As far as
general perception goes, a degree in fashion lands students jobs designing clothes. At least I used to think
so. And how wrong was I! Once I researched fashion degrees online, I realized there is a whole range of options for fashion
majors. There are associate, bachelors as well as masters degrees available in
various disciplines along with diploma courses. Fashion design, fashion
merchandising and fashion product development are some of the areas of
specialization offered at these levels.
The sheer variety of skills learnt in
this profession is what makes it so diverse and allow for the pursuit of so
many career options. Generally in a
bachelors program students are instructed in areas such as
· Sketching
· Pattern making
· Making of garments
· Colors
· Basics of 2D and 3D design
· History of fashion
· Regional fashions
· fashion show production
· Hats, shoes and other accessories’ design
· Marketing and merchandising
· Modeling, photography and portfolio design
· Styling.
· Product evaluation

So it is not
all about making clothes, it is about marketing and presenting them as well. What
makes applicants attractive to employers is a blend of creativity with a sound
understanding of the technicalities of the production process for footwear,
accessories or clothes. Although there
is no degree that can instill creativity in you but if you do have the flare
for fashion and a keen eye, a degree greatly augments your chances of landing
the job of choice.
It is not unusual to find individuals in the
industry who’ve learnt the ropes on the job and worked their way up the ladder.
Lately the trend of self-employment has been seen to rise since fashion blogs
became all the rage as a marketing tool for graduates to start selling their
clothing- the bottom line? There is no dearth of options for fashion grads.
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