
Monday 11 February 2013

Your Passion is Spinning Stories With 3D Imagery, An Online Animation Degree..

Animation Programs
I grew up watching and loving Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and the whole band of Disney characters so popular back in the day. It seemed like I could never get enough of their ever amusing antics and every time I watched them I couldn’t help wishing it could all be real or that I could somehow become a part of their world. Later came the time when all my childhood buddies with myself included wouldn’t be seen without our Game Boys and Nintendos.

Well, although the popular opinion held by most of our parents was these animated games were taking us away from school work and other healthy activities, time has proven otherwise and I thank God for that! If I hadn’t found an online animation degree that worked for me, I feel I would have let down my Disney friends I so wanted to join (in whichever way possible).  It proved to be a convenient and flexible way for me to continue my education without having to run to campus besides opening a variety of career options in this exciting field. 

Enrolling in a computer animation degree program provides individuals with the opportunity to learn a variety of latest techniques, applications and design theory relating to different media enabling the creation of 3D content. Students often feel that their inner artist has been polished and trained to translate visions into animated imagery. 

The Bureau of Labor and Statics predicts a growth of 8% for computer animator jobs in the years to come. This can be attributed to the increasing consumer demand for movie and TV special effects, video games and 3D animated movies. The world of mobile technologies provides an alternate market that is expected to continue which has created a demand for computer graphic artists. 

You can either opt for a Bachelor of Arts degree or a Bachelor of Science degree when it comes to computer animation which will lead to different specializations. One thing is for sure, there is never a dull moment in an animator’s career and if you love creating images that bring stories and characters to life, then this degree is right for you.

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