
Thursday 7 February 2013

How an online interior design degree can help you follow your life’s ambition and make your dream job, a possibility?

With the power of interior design, spaces take on the personalities of those who occupy them. Even the oval office transforms a little bit as each president brings his own special touch to it whether it is a bowl of fruit, favorite pieces of art or family photos. A good interior designer will take your personality and blend it with design elements to create a comfortable and stylish space.

Interior design for me has been a childhood passion and I got to explore it by enrolling in an online interior design degree because I could not give up my day job which paid the bills. I accessed tutorials and assignments by logging in to the college data base and this gave me the opportunity to complete the degree at my own pace, without having to worry about making it to class at fixed timings.
The thing about finding the right interior design degree is that, there are very few accredited degree programs that are approved by CIDA (Council for Interior Design Accreditation) and to get high flying jobs, it is important to get a bachelor’s degree from a credible institution. You can choose majors that focus on residential, commercial or other areas of interior design such as events, theatres, educational facilities or health care designs. Once you secure a bachelor’s degree, you can concentrate in a particular sub- specialty area in a master’s degree.

Besides getting an interior design education from the right school, two things play a pivotal role in landing a lucrative job. First, a well balanced portfolio that shows off your strengths and second, an internship with an interior design firm. Job opportunities for interior designers look very promising for the future as BLS estimates a 19% increase but that does not mean you wouldn’t face competition. 

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